Date: March 22, 2021, Time; 1200 - 13:30 ICT
Organisers: Save the Children and UNICEF with the Governments of Indonesia, Thailand, and the Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Save the Children and UNICEF are hosting a APFSD side event to look at the role of child-sensitive social protection in the sustainable and resilient recovery from Covid-19. This event will facilitate a multi-stakeholder exchange including children around the role of child-sensitive social protection (CSSP) in the sustainable and resilient recovery from COVID-19, and its crucial role in accelerating progress on the Sustainable Development Goals. The side event will promote discussion on integrated policies and responses to address the multifaceted crises brought on by COVID-19 and closely aligns with the theme of the 2021 APFSD, sustainable and resilient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia and the Pacific.
This side event will be held fully virtually. Held outside the official programme, it will provide an opportunity to discuss the theme of the 2021 APFSD “Sustainable and resilient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia and the Pacific”, to share good practices, identify new and emerging issues, and spread greater awareness of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.
During this session, Save the Children and UNICEF will facilitate an engaging debate around Child Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP), and engage children in the discussion. Child poverty has sky-rocketed as a result of COVID-19, inflicting irreversible damage on children’s development, and undermining productivity, broad-based economic growth, and social cohesion in our society. We want to explore the role CSSP can play in the sustainable and resilient recovery of the Asia-Pacific region from Covid-19 in order to lift children out of poverty, build human capital, reduce inequality and protect from future shocks such as climate change.
Panelists include:
Dr. Vivi Yulaswati: Chief of Indonesia National Secretariat of SDGs, Expert Staff for Social Affairs and Poverty Reduction
Lisa Hannigan: Senior Social Protection Specialist and Director of the Social Protection Section at DFAT, Australia
Dr.Somchai Jitsuchon: Research director, Thailand Development Research Institute TDRI
Yolande Wright: Global Director Child Poverty, Climate and Urban, SCI
Andrea Rossi: Regional Adviser Social Policy and Economic Analysis, UNICEF Regional office for East Asia and Pacific
Child participants TBC
Background Resources:
Report: ‘Child Poverty: What drives it and what it means to children across the world’, Executive Summary / Full Report
Approach Paper: ‘Save the Children’s Global Approach to Child Sensitive Social Protection’
2 pager evidence summaries: ‘Universal Child Benefits’ / ‘Cash Transfer programming’
Policy Guide: ‘Social protection and SDGs paper’
Policy Guide: ‘Universal child benefits: Policy issues and options’
Indicators: ‘Child Poverty, Indicators to Measure Progress for the SDGs’
Country Reviews: ‘Are countries committed to ending child poverty by 2030? A review of VNR reports from 2017 to 2020#’
Blog: ‘Coronavirus Crisis Highlights Need for Child Benefits Globally’, By Yolande Wright, Save the Children
This event is being held virtually on Zoom
Please Register & Join here: