UNICEF October 17, 2016 News Nearly 385 million children living in extreme poverty, says joint World Bank Group – UNICEF study UNICEF October 17, 2016 News Children are more than twice as likely as adults to live in extreme poverty, according to a new analysis from the World Bank Group and UNICEF
UNICEF July 8, 2016 News Poverty, illiteracy and early deaths await world’s most disadvantaged children UNICEF July 8, 2016 News Millions of children are disadvantaged for no reason other than the circumstances into which they are born. But inequity is not inevitable, nor insurmountable, says a new UNICEF report..
UNICEF May 4, 2016 News Invest in better social protection for the most disadvantaged children UNICEF May 4, 2016 News Low public spending, ineffective social protection policies and programmes are hampering progress for children in CEECIS region
Global Coalition April 15, 2016 News New figures on growing inequality among children in high-income countries Global Coalition April 15, 2016 News A new UNICEF report presents evidence on how inequality affects children in high-income countries.
Global Coalition March 30, 2016 News Global Coalition hosts event on child poverty and the SDGs Global Coalition March 30, 2016 News Member States and Coalition highlights new focus on child poverty as part of the SDGs, and discuss national practices.
Global Coalition March 30, 2016 News Multidimensional poverty discussed at UN Side Event Global Coalition March 30, 2016 News Side Event at UN Statistical Commission discusses multidimensional poverty as an indicator of the SDGs.
UNICEF March 30, 2016 News Millions of world’s poorest children left behind despite global progress UNICEF March 30, 2016 News ‘Progress for Children’ report by UNICEF finds poorest children lagging behind in MDGs.
Global Coalition March 30, 2016 News Report Finds 400 Million Children Living in Extreme Poverty Global Coalition March 30, 2016 News World Bank analysis shows finds 400 million children living in extreme poverty.